Energy and Wellbeing

Many of the patients I see in my practice have chronic illnesses, depression, insomnia, and autoimmune conditions or simply have busy/stressful lifestyles or are low in energy and vitality. Often my patients ask how they can improve the way they feel and my answer usually consists of the common sense approach to take good care of yourself, eat fresh unprocessed foods, drink plenty of fluids, get a good nights sleep and remove/reduce stress and environmental toxins etc.

However, if the key to wellness were so simple we would either never get ill in the first place or would be able to recover quickly and fully when we did.

What makes one person more susceptible to illness and disease than another? Why is it that despite our efforts to have a so-called healthy lifestyle illness and disease is increasing at an alarming rate?

One feasible answer to these questions is that it must be genetic that there is a component in the DNA, which gets triggered causing us to develop certain health conditions.

The other answer to consider is that there is an energetic component influencing our cells and hence our genes and DNA.

In 1905 Albert Einstein published his theory of relativity in which he explained and basically proved that everything is energy. Previously physicists believed that everything was made up of two separate elements, matter and energy, which meant that the human mind (energy) was separate from the human body (matter). Einstein turned this idea of separativeness on its head, E = mc2 proved that everything is energy. Therefore a dualistic world of matter and energy only seems to exist as objects have different rates of vibration. The denser an object is the slower its rate of energetic vibration and vice versa.

Einstein also insisted energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be changed or transmuted from one form to another. Energy is constantly changing, moving and transforming from one form of energy to another but the amount of energy always remains the same.

Quantum physics and science has ultimately discovered that the universe consists of something beyond the realm of matter and that something is the realm of pure energy.
Thus as everything is energy you are made of energy, your body is made energy and even your emotions and thoughts are fast vibrating forms of energy.

It is yet to be proven that disease is caused by energetic disturbances stored within the cells of the body. The energetic disturbance can be emotional or mental in origin or both and causes either a stagnation (blockage) or an excess (over stimulation) of energy flow in the body. It is the stagnation or excess of energy that ultimately manifests as a disease in the physical body.

Any form of emotional suffering or longing becomes trapped within the cells impeding normal energy flow. These emotions can be due external causes such as negative childhood experiences or inner issues like lack of self esteem and so on. These issues are the result of life experiences from early childhood to the present, and if you are open to the possibility of reincarnation, even past life experiences. If these ‘issues’ and ‘emotional patterns’ are not cleared from the body they lead to stagnation or excess of energy flow and manifest as disease.

Thus it is our energetic state, which will dictate whether we have harmony, health and vitality, or not.

To modify or transform our energetic state it is not enough to simply alter, suppress or arrest our emotional patterns. After all if you have anger and you choose to swallow it down, hide it and appear ‘soft’ rather than react with an explosive outburst the anger is still there, it is only your outer expression that is different. The hidden anger creates a stagnation whereas the explosion creates an excess of energy. It is the emotion itself, which needs to be cleared and removed from the body. And to do this we need to start living in a way that allows us to honestly look at and deal with our issues and emotional patterns.

Author: Dr Rachel Hall

The Holistic Dentist who Loves Humanity. Life is about people, connection, love and equality. People are suffering and have forgotten they are naturally amazing. By living in a way that is more self-loving, gentle and truthful we can reawaken our capacity for grandness.

4 thoughts on “Energy and Wellbeing”

  1. This is a pretty awesome explanation of energy and what it can do to affect our wellbeing, Rachel. We all know how awful it feels to be upset, angry, frustrated etc so it makes sense to me that this overload of emotion affects the make up of our cells, especially as many people who have ticked every box in the healthy eating, exercising, non smoking and no alcohol way of living are developing cancer and other major medical conditions. They are shocked because they thought their way of living had eliminated the possibilities of serious illness, so there has to be something else going on ‘behind the scenes’, as they say, for these illnesses and conditions to be happening in ever-increasing frequency.

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